Wednesday, 13 June 2012

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu

    No I have not been watching The Sound of Music recently..... but here we are. The end of a semester and the end of JOUR1111.

I never thought much of blogging until I started this. Apart from fashion blogs which I actually find useful and interesting, I thought blogging was for a bunch of old crazies spilling out their guts on the internet. But I've actually found that when I'm blogging, I finish with a sense of clarity on the topic I was writing about. The process really gets everything out and afterwards I feel slightly empowered, a bit fresher and I always find that while blogging I'm learning more about the topic, getting a better understanding of it, or if I'm just venting, I realise what the true source of my concern was and I feel like I can and know how to resolve it. Phew. Deep breath.

Although some posts may take a lot more time than others, I don't mind writing them at all. It's enjoyable. I thought it would be a tedious task to just blog away, but it's kind of like a breather to me and once I start I have to keep going until I'm done.

Anyway I just wanted to wrap up this semester and this subject with a nice little farewell blog. So thanks Bruce, Carmen and to anyone who's reading this. It has been a pleasure.

Here's 'So Long, Farewell' from The Sound of Music. Watch it. It's awesome and definitely in HD.

I would also like to point out how similar Kurt from Glee and Kurt from The Sound of Music look. And they both have alarmingly high singing voices. Molto strano...


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