Joseph Kony of Uganda is leading the terrorist group known as the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). Within this group he abducts children, forces them to kill their parents, mutilate others' faces, rape, torture and murder innocent civilians along with countless other unthinkable acts. It is estimated that he has kidnapped and brainwashed at least 65 000 children. The people that Kony is abducting are kids! I mean, I still think of myself as a kid while many of the children being forced into doing these terrible things are probably a decade younger than I am. It just really makes me feel. And despite the fact that Kony is topping the world's most wanted criminals list, the majority of the world still does not know who he is or what he has done.
Fortunately, "KONY 2012", a thirty minute documentary created by filmmaker Jason Russell, a campaigner for Invisible Children Inc, has received the internet's undivided attention. As Russell states in the documentary, "...more people are on Facebook than there were on the planet 200 years ago." Oh the power of the internet! For once, the world (aka The United States) is taking action because the people demand it, not due to self defense.
Watch the video here and spread the word people! Make Kony known so this Voldemort of the real world can be found! Yeah yeah!
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